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Panel Session

The Role of Intercollegiate Athletics on Campus: Past, Present, and the Future

J. Anthony Fernández, Ph.D.

Retired President

Lewis-Clark State College


I enjoyed having four different backgrounds and stories about athletics.It really gives non-collegiate athletes, a better understanding of what college athletes have to endure and what it’s like to be an athlete.”

- Caleigh Hines

I thought the panel did really well.  They presented their vast athletic knowledge through serious discussion, personal experience, and friendly jesting with other members of the panel.”  

- Avery Hurst

About President Fernández:

John Anthony (Tony) Fernández became the fifteenth president of Lewis-Clark State College in March of 2011. He served as Interim President for one year and as Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs at the institution from 2003 to 2010.

Tony Fernández has been involved in education since earning his Bachelor of Arts degree in Biological Sciences from California State College, Fullerton in 1970. He later earned his Ph.D. from Washington State University in Plant Pathology. He continued at WSU as a post-doctoral research associate for two years and then served as an assistant/associate professor of Plant Pathology at the University of Wyoming for a decade.


In 1986, Dr. Fernández accepted a faculty position in Plant Sciences at the University of Hawaii-Hilo and later became Dean of the College of Continuing Education and Community Service. He then accepted the position of Dean of Educational Technology and Continuing Education at Fort Hays State University in Kansas and later Dean of the College of Health and Life Sciences. He left Fort Hays State University to become the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs at Lewis-Clark State College. 

President Fernández currently serves on the Governor’s Idaho Health Professions Education Council, the Regence BlueShield of Idaho Board of Directors, and the Valley Vision Board of Directors. He is a member of the Council of State Representatives for the American Association of State Colleges and Universities, represents Idaho as a commissioner for the Western Interstate Commission for Higher Education, is on the Frontier Athletic Conference Council of Presidents and has represented the Frontier Athletic Conference on the National Association of Intercollegiate Athletics Council of Presidents. 

While enrolled at WSU for graduate school, Tony met his wife, Diane. They have two adult sons. Joe lives in Lewiston. David and Shari make their home in Boise with their daughters, Sofie and Alexa. 


-Bio and Photo courtesy of LCSC Communications

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