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“I really enjoyed the presentation.It taught that there is a lot more your career than just working for a paycheck.It also showed me that you should make a difference in the world, make an impact on other people around and encourage kids and adolescents to get out and participate in physical activities.”

- TJ Wadley

“I really liked how he focused on types of physical activity that is enjoyable.  He stressed how the best way to encourage kids to be active is to introduce them to fun and exciting things like games.  Never force activity but always encourage and lead by example.”

-Jesse Styner

Contemplating Methods to Increase Physical

Activity Behavior Prior to Adulthood

Chris Connolly, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor, Sport Science

Washington State University

About Dr. Connolly

My research aims to understand mechanisms by which pregnant and postpartum women can achieve sufficient levels of physical activity and thereby obtain an impressive array of health benefits provided to the maternal-fetal unit.  More specifically, I focus my research on the comprehensive understanding of barriers which keep pregnant and postpartum women from being active and on ways to overcome these specific barriers. 


A secondary focus of my research is to develop more accurate objective methods of physical activity assessment to be utilized in intervention studies and also in population-based investigations, specifically of pregnancy activity trends. 


Currently, I direct the Exercise Physiology & Performance Laboratory and Cougar Employee Wellness Program at Washington State University, where I am a faculty member within both the Kinesiology and Prevention Science Programs.  I am an active member of the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) at both regional and national levels

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